A Walk in the Park

Taking a nature break at Centennial Park, Howard County, Maryland

I thank God everyday that I am here in America right now and not in the sweltering urban jungle that is Manila. With lockdowns, mask mandates, and fears of a disease in the forefront of many people’s minds; ironically, I see the need to all the more be outside–fresh air, Vitamin D, and be surrounded by God’s creations–while we still can. There is ample scientific evidence that exposure to all this helps one’s immune system and lifts one’s spirits.

lake view

With the unusually warm November weather we are having, we took advantage of the great outdoors where we explored one of the many parks in Howard County. Centennial Park is one of the older parks in the county, and when we went there for the first time today, it was actually crowded. Tennis balls bouncing on the surface of the courts, basketballs swooshing through the hoops, and the playground with ample children punctuating the air with the occasional shriek and shouts of glee. Past the sports facilities are trails where we trekked the 2.5 mile Lake Loop. The well trafficked trail includes bridges and wonderful scenic views of the lake and the autumn foliage. The scene is further enlivened by the honks of the geese as they prepare to take off after indulging in whatever grub the lake offered, while a deer walked right in front of us before it nervously padded away.

There were plenty of people walking the trails, probably with the same idea we had to take advantage of the warm weather. Signs were clear that masks should be worn OR stay six feet apart. We stayed six feet apart.

The sight of other humans out and about, the sound of children playing outdoors, and the smells of nature is part of the social fabric of our living. The wonder and awe we hold for the beauty we see is a nod to the Creator. This lifts up our spirit and for many, this is what we need, which is more than any vaccine could ever cure or address.

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